Friday, 30 March 2012

Poetry Time!

Room B has has a very fun poem this week. We have been practising very hard and we wanted to share it with our friends and family. 

Gala Day

Games to play
and rides in the sun.
Balloons and clowns
are lots of fun.
All sorts of food
so yummy to eat.
Candy floss
a sticky treat.
Things to buy
and things to see.
It’s Gala Day fun
for you and me!

This poem reminds us of our MSS Gala Day :) 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Fun Friday

Last Friday we decided to have a bit of a dance and a sing. We had great fun! Here is Room B all dancing to a special Song on Room D's blog. We love to move our bodies and sing together!

Don't we look like we are having lots of fun!

More Visitors for Room B...

Mrs Smith brought some very special visitors from Puddle Ducks today..

A frog and a tadpole for Room B to look after! 
 Can you see the tadpole's back legs? What will he grow next?

And here is our frog! 

Great Life Cycle Learning

In reading time some very clever people have been drawing life cycles and making life cycles out of play dough. 

Here is a frog's life cycle. Can you see all the parts? 

 Here is a butterfly life cycle. I can see the egg, the caterpillar, the chrysalis on the leaf and the butterfly. Can you?

What's Missing??

Guess how many teeth this super learner lost yesterday .....
One at breakfast, one at morning tea and one at lunch.
I hope she doesn't eat any more apples or she won't have any teeth! :) 

Monday, 19 March 2012

Swimming with Room B

Swimming today was a lot of fun! Room B all jumped in the little pool and we made a whirl pool to warm ourselves up.

 Here we are going across the pool on our flutter boards. 

Here we are running across the pool. 

And watch out ...... we are on our way back!!!

Visitors to Room B

Miss de Burgh has brought some special visitors into Room B.
Two swan plants with three caterpillars on them!

Here are our two swan plants.

One caterpillar 

Look how small it is! It is only the size of Gabby's finger nail. 

I wonder what is going to happen to our caterpillar? Does any one have any ideas? 

Friday, 16 March 2012

Frog Life Cycle Wheels

Room B has got very interested in a frogs life cycle so this afternoon we made a life cycle wheel. Here is how we made them: 

First we cut out the parts of the life cycle and glued them down in the right order. 

Next we had to fill in the missing words.  

Here is one before we put the wheel on. 

We then had to cut out the wheel to go over the top. 

Here are some of our finished wheels! We drew a frog on the top. Great work Room B!!! 

Teddy Bear Competition!

Room B had a competition today for the best teddy bear. The winning two teddy bears get to go in a competition at the gala day for Manchester Street School's best teddy! 

First we put our teddies on our desks and voted for our two favourites. 

We voted with counters. Everybody got two votes. 
Frankie got four votes and Humphrey Bear got 6 votes! Congratulations girls :)
Your will have to bring your teddies back next week for the gala day competition. 

**A Frog's Life Cycle**

Room B has been doing some really exciting learning about lots of different life cycles.
Our super learners wanted to find out more about the frogs life cycle, so here is a video showing us what happens to a frog as it grows. 

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Turtles! Turtles! Turtles!

Room B had some unexpected visitors today! Gabby's mum brought in their pet turtles. The big turtle is called Bubbles. The middle sized turtle is called Squirt and the smallest turtle is called Shelby.
They are land turtles called Red Eared Sliders. They live in a tank at Gabby's house. 
Every body had a turn holding the turtles, it was a lot of fun.
We are going to learn about the life cycle of turtles next week. 
Thanks for visiting Bubbles, Shelby and Squirt!


Turtle's Trick!

Look at Shelby the Turtle doing a trick for us. She flips over using her head!

Litterless Lunches

Congratulations Hunter, Brooke, Crystal, Sam, Jayden and Olivia!
On Friday you all had litterless lunches and you all got choice tokens.
Great work!

Buddy Time

Room B has a wonderful buddy class ... Room H! We have had a lot of fun getting to know our buddies. Last week we went on a treasure hunt with them, we had to find something starting with each letter of the alphabet. It was a lot of fun! We can't wait to spend more time with our buddies.


Congratulations to Lucy and Kobe for becoming Enviro Kids this year and to Sam and Crystal for becoming members of the Green Team!!

Penguins! Penguins! Penguins!

In Room B we have been learning about penguins and their life cycle. Here is some of our great learning about penguins.

 These people drew penguins on the white boards, made penguins out of play dough and made penguins using a template. Well done!


 Everyone had a turn at putting a penguin's life cycle in order. Room B did a fantastic job!

Thanks Bodhi for bringing in your beautiful penguins from Kelly Tarltons. The daddy penguin is so big!!