Friday, 27 April 2012

Room B loves spending time with their BIG buddies! They are so kind and they love to help us. Today we did observational drawings of autumn leaves. Room B had fun collecting lots of different types of leaves this morning. Room H and Ms Todd helped us draw them. How do you think we did? 

Well Done Room B

Today two great Room be learners got certificates! We are so proud of them. They have both been following the yellow part of our rainbow and doing some really great learning. Well done! :) 

Room B also got a special Enviro award for doing such a great job as the Power Rangers!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Wonderful Writing

Our caterpillars are getting fatter....
Here is some writing from some great Room B people telling us about what is happening to the caterpillars. 

A butterfly lays the egg and it hatches. When the caterpillar comes out it eats and eats.  It is getting bigger and bigger. It is getting fatter and fatter. It is
spinning around and around. It emerges from the chrysalis. Now it is a butterfly. It goes around and around and around. The life cycle never stops.
By Kobe

A butterfly starts in an egg. It hatches. It turns into a
caterpillar. It goes into a chrysalis. It goes out and turns into a butterfly. Then it goes all over again.
By Taryn

It is an egg. It hatches and a caterpillar comes out of the egg. The caterpillar eats lots of leaves. The caterpillar turns into a chrysalis.  It sheds it skin. Then it is a
butterfly, it flaps its wings to warm up and it flies away to a safe place. It starts again. Mother butterfly is happy.
By Crystal

The life cycle starts as an egg. Then it goes to a
caterpillar and sheds its skin off. It turns into a chrysalis and pops into a butterfly.
By Jayde

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Happy Holidays Everybody

Room B and Miss de Burgh want to wish everyone a happy holiday!
We are all going to go and have a nice break and be ready to come back for more learning on the 23rd of April!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Celebration Time!


Wowwee! Is it the end of term one already? Manchester Street School are so lucky, they got to have a celebration time today. There were lots of activities out and so many fun things to do. Have a look at the photos. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Story

Room B's Hungry Hungry Caterpillar

Our caterpillar has been so hungry! He has eaten so many leaves he is getting very very fat! We hope he will spin a chrysalis soon.

Our tadpole is changing ...

Our tadpole now has back legs and front legs! Can you see them? I wonder what will happen next?

Our froglets are still growing. Are they frogs yet? How can you tell?  

Room B Super Stars!

On Friday in junior assembly lots of people in Room B got certificates, we are so proud of them.
 These people all tried so hard at athletics that they got certificates. 

 These two super learners have been following the yellow part of our rainbow and have been working very hard in class. 

This special person gets to look after rainbow bear. He has been following our school rainbow. We are so proud!