Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Monday, 24 November 2014

Room I's Inspirational Adventure 2014: A little taste of the production....

Look what I found on Room I's Blog... 

Room I's Inspirational Adventure 2014: A little taste of the production....: W o w ! This is amazing quality, fantastic sound and visuals. Here is a lit tle preview of the production DVD. I'm glad I ordered ...

Monday, 17 November 2014

Our new playground

Today we all had a play on the new playground equipment. Thank you too all the families who helped us fun raise to buy it at the gala. We had such a great time exploring the new gear. 

Friday, 7 November 2014

Saturday, 1 November 2014


Miss Henderson has taught us all about shapes and geometry. We know how many sides and shape has and how many corners. We also know the names of lots of different shapes. Our favourite activity was sorting shapes and making pictures from them.

Rainbow Fish Art

Last term we read the story of Rainbow Fish and his silver scale. We loved the story so much that we made our own rainbow fish.


Room B had a fabulous time at production last term. Here are some photos from 'The Springtime Rock and Roll'!


Look at our great Grasshopper Tennis skills!

Furry Visitors

Piper brought her baby bunnies in to visit Room B. Everyone loved patting them and feeling their soft fur.

Q Bear's Accident

Oh no! Poor Q Bear fell out of a tree on Friday and Mr Wheeler had to go and help him. What do you think could be wrong? How can we help Q bear? 

Super Certificates

Look at these super learners who got certificates in Junior Assembly on Friday. Tino pai!

Monday, 1 September 2014

Playground Treat

Room B have been working together to follow the Rainbow and we
filled our marble jar in just one week!! So today we got spend some time outside on the Junior playground. We had a great time. 

Friday, 29 August 2014

Fairy Bread

We have been learning all about fractions and how to make things fair. So today we divided our fairy bread into equal parts.

Pic Collage

Have a look at some of these fabulous Pic Collages that we have been making on the iPads.

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Custom Glitter Text
Thank you to all the amazing learners and their families for sharing their fantastic work this week. It was wonderful to hear all the great progress that everyone is making and all the fun you are having! From, Mrs W

Friday, 25 July 2014

Look at our amazing art!

Here is the dolphin art that we did together on Enviro Day last term. We are auctioning it off next Friday in assembly to raise money to save the Maui's Dolphin. What do you think of our art work? Would you like to buy it? We are very proud of it.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Disco Fever

Here are a few photos from the disco on Friday night. We had a super time dancing the night away!!!

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Buddy Time on the Playground

We had such a fun time on the senior playground on Friday afternoon. It was very exciting for us because we are not normally allowed to play there. But our big buddies were able to help us use it. It was so lovely to see everyone working together to have fun!

Our Visit from Big Ted

Here is Big Ted spending some time in Room B. He has been learning how to follow the yellow part of the Rainbow just like us ...

Rainbow Bear and Certificates

Wow! Look who has come for a visit to Room B... Rainbow Bear. These super learners have really been following the Rainbow. Ka pai :)

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Today we have been writing our mini. It is a way of introducing ourselves in Maori. We are practising the words so we can share our mini with the class.