Friday, 24 February 2012

Power Rangers!

Room B's enviro job is very important! It is our responsibility to check that classrooms around our school are saving power by turning their lights off at lunch times. I found these power rangers doing a great job in the senior and middle team classrooms on Thursday. They went to all the rooms and gave a tick and a choice token to the classes that had remembered to turn their lights off. Well done Power Rangers!!

Look everyone had their lights off in the senior and middle team today!

Thursday, 23 February 2012


Yesterday we read a story called 'The Bravest Penguin of All'. We had a talk about penguins, we are all very interested in them and would like to use our white hat thinking to learn some more about them.
Here is a video we can watch together : )

Room B Friends

Here are some great Room B people that I found playing nicely together at lunch time. It is great to see Room B following the red part of our rainbow and looking after eachother around the school!

Colourful Beans!

In maths at the moment we are learning about sorting things into sets and also creating graphs. So on Tuesday we sorted our colourful beans into their different colours and then graphed how many of each colour we had. Everyone had very different graphs. Here are some pictures of us sorting our beans.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

We're going to the zoo!!

Here is a fun song we found on Room D's blog. It has fun words and actions! Thanks Room D.

Monday, 20 February 2012


Brooke did a beautiful job at the playdough table today. She gave her playdough friends hair, faces and clothes. What a beautiful job!

Monday, 13 February 2012

A new friend for Room B!

Mrs Mackie brough Room B a present last week ... New Q! Our newest class member. We are so lucky to have him in our class. We are going to look after him very well. Thank you Mrs Mackie!

Reading Time

Room B's super learners have done some great work in reading time today!
 People at the playdough table were very busy, so were the people at the whiteboards and the games.
Go great Room B learners!!

Book Bags!

Look at our book bag graph we made today.
We are learning to display information on graphs and discuss it.
Room B made some great statements about our graph.
We noticed that blue book bags are the most popluar.
Orange book bags are the least poplar.
And there are more people with green book bags than orange, yellow, pink and purple.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Cool Kids Fitness Song

Here is a fun song.
I can't wait to learn it with you all!

We are an Enviro School

At Manchester Street School we care about the environment! We are an enviro school.
We turn off the lights when we leave a room.
We recycle our paper and plastic.
We always put our rubblish in the right place.
We use paper on both sides.

Check out our enviro kids blog: